There is no doubt that prescription medicines have an important place in our healthcare system, however prescription medications don’t always make you feel better. In fact they treat the symptom, not the root cause. Also many patients have a range of symptoms that they have been unable to address on their own or with the help of other medical practitioners. In order to strive for optimum health and wellbeing, it’s time to look for a more balanced proactive approach to your health. And this is where naturopathic medicine plays a vital role. Here are reasons why…
Naturopathic Medicine focuses on disease prevention and health promotion by providing clear strategies to empower and improve your life by minimizing illnesses.
Naturopathic Medicine uses non-invasive and natural treatments that gently steer your body towards health.
Naturopathic Medicine uses evidence based natural medicine.
A Naturopathic Doctor can be part of your health care team working together with your chosen health care practitioners (Medical Doctors, Specialists, RMTs, Physiotherapists, etc...) to develop a successful whole health strategy that is in your best interest.
Naturopathic Medicine involves a holistic approach to wellness that treats physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Symptoms and disease are not just limited to our physical body. Sometimes we are aware and conscious of the effects disease has on our mind and spirit but often it’s overshadowed by our physical state.
Naturopathic medicine treats all health concerns for all ages from acute to chronic and physical to psychological. Examples include cardiovascular health, hormonal imbalance, fertility, menopause, digestion, immune system improvement, stress, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, allergies and skin conditions, migraines, arthritis, etc...
Naturopathic Medicine is beneficial for patients that have been diagnosed with an illness, often serious or chronic and are looking for treatment options.
Naturopathic Medicine is beneficial for patients that are looking to combine conventional and naturopathic treatments with the aim of minimizing side effects of drugs, surgery or conventional treatments.
If you are wondering how I can help you on your journey to health, book an initial appointment online with me.
Best in Health!